Tuesday, October 27, 2009

class notes

Chance- extranormal.com website. Civic values. Deal with a controversial issue. Research issue, take a stance, and create a movie, podcast or other to rally others. Also by petitioning and blogging, wiki. Reflection, whether or not they made an impact.

Zahara- learning about voting rights, go online, use resources, and teach other younger students what they learned through skype.

Michael- nursing homes. People don’t have family that visit. Students go visit people and interview them and make a digital story presentation through garage band and upload them to youtube. Oral history!

Adam- voter registration, voter information. Observe trends over time and create their own resources to get people to vote, or create their own resources on an issue. Then do a community presentation… booth in the school or community center. Media presentations and community outreach.

Megan- human trafficking. 17000 people in this country. Students would get into four groups. Digital story telling, brochure, podcast… compile them onto a website so they have a resource to do a letter writing campaign to send to congress. Promote awareness for this by uploading a blue heart.

Jen- military letter writing. Difficult to read, and snail mail takes forever. Write on the wiki or a blog to talk to all branches. They can send maps and videos, and students send videos to show military.

Josh- Veterans- interview for 30 minutes. Research the history to get basic background knowledge about the war the interviewee was in. Use garage band to do a 2-minute thing. They will then blog about their experience and reactions with the veterans. Then show the veteran what was created.

Jeremy- war on drugs, and awareness. Its intentions. Create a wiki on the war on drugs. Write their representatives, on a drug thing that they wanted to write about.

Megan G- Support a soldier, middle school. Paired up with personal connections. Work with the community to get support (care packages) for the troops. Learn about the geography from the soldiers.

Elizabeth H- operation Christmas child. Learn about the culture that it works with. Interview them and find out what motivates them to, blog about it. Conduct their own learning experience.

Eric- using technology to help the elderly. Can only use snail mail. Have students visit and have them talk to the elderly. Conduct an interview and research. Show them how to email and then re-conduct questioning. Write about it, and compile on an inquiry map.

Elizabeth J- increasing culture awareness, lecture on immigration, focus on culture and language . create a wiki on each country. Poll school on heritage.

Me- Habitat

Louisa- Nursing homes are lonely places, people without purposes. Students will ask themselves questions. Students will present their vodcasts to the nursing home residents. They have a “party”. Teaches students about history and oral history, and they form a friendship and keep visiting them.

Mark- Storybird. Knowing the avenues. Global warming. Talk to politicians. Use wiki. Connecting the class and students to politicians. Update the wiki with updates.

Katie- students will examine impacts on experiences. Visit nursing home, and conduct an interview. Ask questions, about their past, how did it shape their life. Students will create videos, using video or audio from the interview.

Jeff- go to local parks and see how people affect the environment. People leave trash everywhere. Help clean up the parks. Have students learn about wildlife conservation, write a blog what they did.

Megan p- students will research elections, voter turnout and trends. How the government has affected daily lives. Visit retirement home. Class make a podcast. Tied to voting. Send a thank you letter.

Britney- increase young people voter turn out. Mostly during an election year, typically young people don’t vote. Use survey monkey to create questions. Use myspace

Nichole- students will learn about voting and campaigning. They will learn about politics. They will use a google motion chart to look at trends, and create a wiki.

Angie- students will learn about their individual rights and teach them to the community. Students will select a topic, pertaining to individual rights, and put info into class wiki. Create an interactive display on their topic. Write to local government, police, lawyers, local businesses to do raffles.

Trish- have students communicate with students, and expand their cultural horizons. Students can learn about bias, and on the website showcase what they’ve learned. Talk about biases, showcase what they’ve learned. Write a paper talking

Alli- research newspaper articles. September 11th, read tradebooks and add to the project. About the patriot act. Interview what peoples knowledge is about the patriot act. Create wikis.

Carrie- oral history of the cold war of a family member, and create an article based on the interview. Upload onto a wiki, put the interview on. Provide info to the newspaper and bring awareness to the community.

Grieselda- Haiti study. Kids work with Haitian students and learn about the cultural aspects of their lives. Create class website. Collect funds and supplies to send to the students.

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